Saturday, October 6, 2012

New friend!

Happy Saturday! Hope you are all enjoying a lovely fall weekend.  I had been scheduled to travel to Bethel for a New Teacher Inservice, but due to weather I was lucky enough to stay in Kwethluk for volleyball practice yesterday and attend the inservice via VTC.  This week has been another crazy one.  The biggest news though is my newest friend!

Yes, I now have a puppy! Raisin(not sure about the name yet) was outside the school all day on Tuesday and one of the other high school teachers brought him in at the end of the day.  She planned to find him a home.  I held him for 10 minutes and decided that I couldn't let him go. Rachel took him to the vet for me and we found out that he was born in the middle of August.  He has been wonderful so far and was very quick to find out where the food is! He chows down and licks the bowl and follows me around the house. 

Other than that big news, we completed our 2nd week of volleyball practice and I am already starting to see big improvements in our players! The kids are getting excited for our first matches next weekend in Aniak! :)

After an exciting and busy week I am ready for a weekend off. So I am going to head home for the night! Have a great weekend!



  1. Congratulations! He is a handsome little bugger. I know from your experience taking such good care of your little brother and sister - Zeb and Zoe, not Mags and Chuck - that you will be spoiling the dickens out of this one. Good luck with the volleyball opener - let us know if there is a computer stream to watch it on somewhere! :-) Don't want to hear about any yellows or reds!

  2. You have a very cute puppy! I am sure it is fun to have a dog with you....
